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Hadoop MCQ Question Answer


Hadoop MCQ Question Answer

1. Which ecosystem toll is used to Mapreduce jobs, Hive, and Pig jobs in the cluster?

  1. Spark
  2. Flume
  3. Oozie
  4. Kafka

 2. Which of the following is the correct Statement?

I. Oozie can run jobs in squence only.

II. Jobs can run parallel as well as sequence.

Select one:

  1. Both I and II 
  2. Only I 
  3. Only II
  4. Neither I or II 

3. Map function in a Mapper can process multiple records at time. State True or False
Select One:
  1. True
  2. False
4. Which of the following is TRUE about a Combiner?
select one:
  1.  Reducer and Combiner functionality will be usually  the same.
  2. Combiner reduces the network traffic.
  3. It runs locally on each mapper tasks mapper tasks output.
  4. All of the listed options.
5. We can write a map reduce program using which of the following languages?
select one:
  1. All of the listed options
  2. Java only 
  3. Java & Python only 
  4. Python only 
  5. R only 
6.  Reducer task cannot be started until all mapper tasks get complete. State True or False
Select one:
  1. True
  2. False

7. A Reduce phase can be started before all the mappers complete their task. State True or False.
Select one:
  1. True
  2. False
8. In a Mapreduce job, Map tasks store the intermediate data into local disk and it will be deleted once the job is done. State True or False.
Select One:
  1. True
  2. False
9.  What are the complex data types which Hive supports?
Select One:
  1. All of the listed options
  2. Structs
  3. Maps
  4. Tuple
  5. Array
10. Which database does Hive use for storing metadata about the hive tables?
Select One:
  1. MySQL
  2. mongodb
  3. derby
  4. Hbase
11. It is possible to run hql file from local shell( hive -f filename.hql). State true or false
Select one:
  1. True
  2. False

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