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The Abandoned City - Hackerearth Solution


The Abandoned City - C++ Solution

Problem Statement 

You bought a virtual reality glasses. There is only one game installed to it called "The Abandoned City".

You are lost in an abandoned city. In order to escape, You have to pay a number of golden coins. So, you decided to collect the gold in the houses of that city. The city contains many houses aligned in a straight line. Each house contains a specific amount of golden coins.

You need to figure out the shortest distance you have to walk until you collect the needed amount of golden coins to get out.

Note: You can start from any house i and continue your as i to i+1 or i to i1 but you can't change your direction, and stop at any house.


Let's assume that the number of houses is 5 and coins in those houses are [1,2,3,4,5] and target is 7.

It can be seen that to collect 7 coins you will have to travel through atleast 2 houses. The possible travel options are:-

  1. Start from 3rd house , travel right and stop at 4th or start from 4th house, travel left and stop at 3rd house ,thus collecting 7 coins.
  2. Start from 4th house , travel right and stop at 5th or start from 5th house, travel left and stop at 4th house ,thus collecting 11 coins.
Thus the shortest distance you have to walk until you collect 7 golden coins is 2.

Function description

Complete the solve function provided in the editor. This function takes the following 3 parameters and returns the minimum distance you have to walk to collect the needed amount of golden coins to get out or -1 if no such answer exists.
  • n: Represents an integer denoting the number of houses.
  • coins: Represents an integer array denoting the coins kept in houses. \(coins\) denotes the number of coins kept in ith house.
    [*] target : Represents an integer denoting the target.

Input format

Note: This is the input format that you must use to provide custom input (available above the Compile and Test button).

  • The first line contains an integer, n, denoting the number of houses.
Output format

Print the minimum distance you have to walk to collect the needed amount of golden coins to get out or -1 if no such answer exists.

C++ Solution

using namespace std;

    #define ll long long

    int main(){
        ll n;
        ll arr[100005];
        for(ll i=1;i<=n;i++){
        ll k;
        ll pre[100005];
        for(ll i=1;i<=n;i++){
            pre[i] = pre[i-1]+arr[i];
        ll ans = INT_MAX;
        for(ll i=1;i<=n;i++){
            ll l=i;
            ll r=n;
            ll mid;
                //cout<<l<<" "<<r<<"\n";
                mid = (l+r)/2;
                    ans = min(ans,mid-i+1);
        return 0;


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