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Informatica MCQ Question Answer


Questions & Tips on Informatica

1) You find that all rows are getting rejected. What could be the possible reason??

a) false condition in filter trans

b) database is indexed & session is bulk

2) Is Mapplet reusable? 



3) Analytical processing is

a) A software for analysing the consolidated data for decision making

b) To map it into Xecel sheet for analysis

c) Something with relational database

4) A hierarchical database is

a) A tree structure where 1 parent can have many child but each child has only 1 parent

b) A tree structure where 1 parent can have many child but each child have many parent

3) A tree structure

5) A network Database

a) provides many to many links between physical records.

b) provides many to many links based on data.

6) Bitmap index more effective due to low cardinality, low updates….


7) A relational db differs from network db & hierarchical database on what basis:

a) A relational database can handle more data than the other two database

b) A relational database works on physical links

c) It works on data links

8) A conformed dimension is

a) detailed dimension

b) primary key dimension

c) Same meaning and content throughout

9) Variable port is present in which of the foll:

a) Expression

b) Joiner

c) Aggregate

d) Lookup

e) a),b),c)

f) None

10) Can you convert a snowflake schema to a star schema?

 a) Yes, but it can create problems if the hierarchy is not proper

b) No

c) Yes, something with low hierarchy

11) The first step after Powercentre 8 installation:

 a) Start Integration service

 b) Start Repository manager

 c) Start Service manager


12) Data model entities have which of the following:

 a) Keys

 b) Relationships

 c) Synonyms

d) Sub entities

13) Can a source qualifier perform outer join:


14) Update strategy is used for:

 a) Update

 b) Delete

 c) Insert

 d) All of the above

15) Can we use name DISTINCT in the port name

a) yes

b) no, coz it is a keyword in SQL

c) no, coz it’s a keyword in Informatica

d) both b and c

16) A source definition wants to copy data from a shared folder to a non shared folder. What options of the following should


a) the shared folder should be active.

b) non shared folder should be open.

c) shared folder should be open

d) use CTRL key to drag the folder

e) a and b

f) all of the above

17) In Filter transformation row isn’t passed forward. Why

a) the row goes to the bad file after the center runs

b) the row is dropped

c) the row goes to the bad file

18) A stored procedure transformation is

a) connected

b) unconnected

c) both

d) none

19) on what instance does the dw loads data

a) on a regular basis

b) on a regular basis for query and reporting

c) updates does when there is considerable change on the database

20) Deleting a table when the related tables do exist will disobey which integrity?

Check Integrity

Domain Integrity

Referential Integrity

Two others don’t remember

21) Low level of granularity means low level of detail and high level means high level of detail



22) Can a developer connect two ports of different datatypes

a) no

b) yes, always

c) yes, but they should be compatible

d) yes, they should be compatible and the conversion should be mentioned

23) A large dw source extracts requirements from a live rdbms system

What are the negative effects.

a) two phase commit locking

b) blocking transaction commit

c) degraded OLTP query performance

d) exhausting temporary table space

 there were some combinations of options. Two or three were right.

24) data in a dw is

 a) atleast till 2NF or more

 b) 3NF or more

 c) can be normalized but not always

 d) none of the above

25) if there is a condition that the discounted_price >500 and the current value of row is 257, then what happens to this row

a) rejected and goes to bad data file if

b) will be dropped from workflow

 26) A mapping based on homogenous targets can have different target connections


 27) After we make a folder shared we cannot reverse it


 28) Joiner transformation can be used for






29) Can a developer manually define a primary and foreign key relationship between two columns?


If true give the reason

With Alter Table one can manually define Primary and Foreign Key Relationship

30) Deletion of record what is violated?

 a) Field

 b) Key

 c) Domain check

 d) Referential Integrity

31) User unable to create a shortcut

 a) Object is created in a non-shared folder and shortcut is shared folder

 b) Object is created in a shared folder and shortcut is non folder

 c) Saved in the repository and a copy of file is created

32) Data integrity is enforced by entity and referential integrity



33)Conversion of logical to physical model what should be taken care of

1) data volume

2)usage patterns

3)source repository

4)target repository

a) 2,3,4

b) 1,3,4

c) 1,2

34) A datawarehouse cannot work on Terabytes of data


35) In source qualifier what is necessary for a join to be done?

a) Manually writing a SQL query

b) By mentioning left & right outer join in join type

36) All rows could not be loaded in target table because

a) Target table does not exist

b) Filter condition is false

c) Target is indexed & session run is Bulk

37) PMCMD can be used to start workflow & tasks


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